What is Apples in Silver about?
Apples in Silver brings to life the profound visual that’s described in Proverbs 25:11: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” A word fitly spoken is the right word at the right time. The graphic imagery in this verse creates a vivid picture that stimulates thought. So, we started this endeavor to create awareness about the words we speak … in our home, at work, or when hanging out with friends. What impact or difference would it make if we are generous with our compliments to those we do life with?
Apples in Silver is simply about saying something kind to someone else. This doesn’t mean we can’t debate, speak truth, or communicate in a clear, concise manner. We’re not talking about being mealy-mouthed. We do however, want to make every effort and take every opportunity to encourage, say something nice, and be vocally positive as often as possible.
How will Apples in Silver get others involved in speaking fitly?
Well, first we will make this a practice ourselves. We’ll probably miss the mark sometimes and that’s why we’ve created tools to help us remain accountable. Our blog articles keep us informed about the importance of words in our everyday lives. It is our hope that when we verbally appreciate others, they will in turn be motivated do the same – in a sense, pay the compliment forward. Follow us on Instagram to stay motivated with quotes and sayings that reinforce the power of words.
We ask that you visit the Apples in Silver shop where you’ll find an array of products featuring exquisite designs. These designs, whenever and wherever displayed will remind us to watch our words and be committed to making someone’s day [better] with the words we say. We can’t do it without you and hope that you will join the crusade and make it a point to inspire, lift, affirm, congratulate, and encourage someone today.
How can I get Apples in Silver to help with my organization, church group, or Women’s Bible Study?
Perhaps Apples in Silver can complement your Bible study lessons. Maybe this concept fits the culture and climate you want to create in your organization. Let us know what ideas you might have. We may have a few of our own. Let’s talk about it.
Do you offer a bulk discount on products if I want to buy for my group?
Yes! Just contact us and we’ll help you with your bulk order.