Treasures of the Snow
JANUARY 6, 2023
My grandson, Andrew lost his shoe while playing in the snow.
Snow occurs when water vapor is cooled so much that it turns into ice crystals or snow.
Snowfall is essential in maintaining the earth’s chemical balance. Other benefits of snow:
• Insulates and conserves soil moisture. Protects the roots of trees and shrubs.
• Provides insulation for animals who live underground.
• In springtime, snow flows from mountains filling rivers and streams.
• Melting snow nourishes plants and wildlife after a long winter.
• Allows for fun activities like skiing, sledding, snowboarding, and just having fun.
We can see the treasures that snow provides for all living things – renewal of life, protection, and enjoyable activities. And then there’s the beauty!
It might be winter now – but spring is coming. The snow and cold are working to bring about a bountiful and beautiful new season.